Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2 month stats...

So, like I mentioned before, I was a slacker mom and forgot to make Sawyer's appointment for his 2 month checkup on time.  Turns out his appointment was only a week or so after he turned two months, so I'm not such a slacker after all.  Anyway, our little boy is growing, growing, growing!  Here are his latest stats:

Height: 24 inches- 75th percentile
Weight: 13 lbs 7 oz- 75th percentile

After the Pediatrician checked him out, she left and told me the nurse would be in shortly to give him his shots.  As we waited for the nurse, he fell asleep.  Of course right after he did the nurse came back in.  I laid him on the table and as he woke up, he looked up at the nurse with a big grin.  Right then she stabbed the needles into his legs.  He screamed out almost as if he was asking "why did you do that, I was so happy!"  It was very sad, but my tough little boy was fine.  I picked him up, and it only took about a minute and he was telling me in his coos that he was ok.  A few minutes later, he fell back asleep and slept well.  That night he did have a rough time because I think his legs were sore, but it didn't last long.  He did so well!  Since I work in the hospital now, I see a lot of things I didn't before. I think it's made me a little hardened to people and their pain. I didn't cry when he got his shots, but it did pull at my heart strings more than I ever thought it would.  It is hard to hear your baby scream out in pain.  I was so happy that it only lasted a minute.  I've got a tough little boy on my hands. :)

1 comment:

  1. It is so tough to watch see them in pain! I give people shots all the time, but it still makes me feel horrible when they poke my kiddos!
